
Sophie Caballero
Founder of Equilibre Therapeutic Approach
Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, New York, Philadelphia, & Washington, DC
Brussels, London, & Rome
Click here for a glimpse into Equilibre!
Who I am, what I do
I have been working for nearly 30 years with people of all ages, (from early childhood to old age) to help them recover from injuries, physical and emotional traumas and to reverse the effects of serious diseases, to soothe or eliminate chronic pain and to enhance mental clarity.
I worked a lot with children with scoliosis and posture problems, and also with those with attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and learning difficulties; I worked as well with women who underwent mastectomy or hysterectomy, to help them overcome those traumatic experiences and recover arm mobility. I worked with pregnant and post-partum women, to help them regain their body balance and well-being after the shock suffered by the mother and the child by epidural or caesarean delivery.
After working for ten years in the US (Atlanta and San Francisco), my husband Joseph and I moved to Italy with my son Nikolai, who had decided to finish high school in the country he was born in and where his father lives. So I resumed my professional practice in Rome, where I work both with individuals and groups, and since October 2018 I organize group sessions in the cities where Joseph’s Sustainability Leadership Forums are held (Atlanta, Brussels, Chicago, Dallas, London, New York, Philadelphia and Washington DC).
What is an Equilibre Group Session?
My method is based on sound scientific basis of anatomy, physiology, neuroscience, neurophysiology, embryology, behavioural psychology and dietetics, and is the result of decades of studies that granted me the highest levels of training and professional certifications practicing and refining the techniques of Somatic Resolution of Trauma, of AntiGymnastique Approach, of the Biodynamic Craniosacral Approach and Shiatsu Therapy.
This is a gentle, respectful approach, that can be easily adapted for the well-being and enhancement of mobility and emotional state of individuals. Through the conscious practice of slow micro-movements that reach the deep muscular layers where traumas and chronic tensions build up, we stimulate the proprioceptive and neuroceptive connection, the self-regulation of the autonomous nervous system and the resolution of debilitating symptoms.
Through this experience and a greater attention and commitment to one’s own health, each participant is in charge of his/her practice and well-being.
How I work
During our session we develop together a different dimension, a welcoming common space for communication, a warm and comfortable environment where we establish a true and lasting relationship of complete trust. It is an intense work of interaction, in which prosodic vocalization plays a key role.
The practice, tailored to the specific needs of each individual, fosters the autonomy of participants, who are enabled from the start to identify what they need by learning the language of body sensations. This method provides tools to be used autonomously (with the help of the audio recording I have worked out). It’s not meant to replace but to support and harmoniously integrate other techniques that might be practiced (yoga, meditation, physiotherapy, sports, etc).
Through this work of listening to the body, participants learn how to directly collaborate with their own autonomous nervous system, in order to foster self-regulation, to see symptoms disappear and regain control of their health. The participant immediately feels its effectiveness, even during the session, and is thus able to release and discharge pain and tensions, both in the body and mentally.
Click on links at top of page to watch video testimonials attesting the immediate, deep changes experienced by participants.
About Sophie
Born and raised in Paris by an Andalusian father and mother of Russian-French origins, Sophie graduated in Languages (English, Spanish and Russian) at the Université Paris VIII. She then spent two semesters at the New York University (International Relations and International Business) followed by one year of work/studies at the Paris Chamber of Commerce.
She is a certified professional in Somatic Trauma Resolution, in Biodynamic Craniosacral Approach (6 years) and Shiatsu Therapy (Namikoshi technique) (6 years), in the AntiGymnastique of Thérése Bertherat and in the Méthode de Liberation des cuirasses (MLC©) by M.L. Labonté. She also completed 10 years of in-depth studies of the Bioenergetic Therapy of Dr Alexander Lowen, all the while working on herself for her own personal development and awareness. For almost 30 years she has been practicing Equilibre, the unique method she developed that combines all these different therapeutic approaches.
Sophie is fluent in French, Spanish, Italian, English, Russian and Portuguese. She has lived in London, New York, Rome, Atlanta and San Francisco, and has travelled widely in Russia, India and South America.
She is a certified professional in :
Somatic Trauma Resolution – http://www.healthwaveinstitute.com/
International Institute for Craniosacral Balancing-Biodynamics Approach, Berne, Switzerland.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America
Antigymnastique, Paris, France. http://www.antigymnastique.com
Istituto Italiano di Shiatsu (method Namikoshi), European Shiatsu Academy of Rome, member of the Nippon Shiatsu School in Tokyo. http://www.apis.it
Nutrition (Living Food Institute, Atlanta, USA) http://www.livingfoodinstitute.com/
Equilbre Group Sessions
Each group session has a maximum of four participants, so that I can adequately deal with each one of them according to their specific needs. Anyone can host a group session, that can be organized for participants working in the same profession (psychologists, social workers, physiotherapists, nurses, doctors, teachers, etc) who wish to enrich their professional practice with these tools. A follow up of the practice with subsequent group sessions is also possible.
The rate for each group session of 3 hours is $ 900, to be shared among participants regardless of their number.
Given my limited time in each city, I organize group work on a first-come first-served basis. If you are interested in hosting a group session and booking a date, or for any further information you can call me in the USA (+1) 404-539-7954 or in Italy on WhatsApp (+39) 334 728 1833, or email me at [email protected].
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